Sunday 28 June 2015


To you who is crying, to you who went through an ordeal.
This is the song for you which I sing with my heart

When you feel you are alone, when the tears flow suddenly
When you feel there's nobody beside you

Remember you're not alone. Though the world hurts you.
Now don't cry though you feel lonely and feel sad.
I'll hug you without saying anything, I'll listen to your story.

Look back. I'll be there. 
I'll wipe all your tears you dropped

And your loneliness, too

When the night you can't sleep. In your lonely and empty room
There's nobody who would listen to your story
Like the pouring rain when the hard things come to you
When you're dripping wet and there's no space to avoid them

Remember you're not alone even though the world hurts you

Now don't cry though you feel lonely and feel sad
I'll hug you without saying anything, 

I'll listen to your story.







towards everything.



Friday 26 June 2015


Relationships last long because two people made a choice. That decision was made to keep it, to fight for it and to work hard for it. How can people easily said that out of blue they felt nothing after all the beautiful words they have uttered and the total seconds they have spent together?

Just watched this one kdrama.

Was officially added into my fav-kdramas playlist.


So sick of shitehawk.

 It was stupid. Too dull-witted for my mind to bleach.

How can someone who held this one-sided love since he was eight and kept that love for about 10 years suddenly changed his love towards a girl that he just met in a short time?

People should stop sodding their empty lies with a promise if they didnt even had a mind to keep it in future.

If the feeling of loving someone couldnt last forever then what's the purpose having it at the first place?

Have you ever heard this phrase,

don't tell me sky has a limit when there're footprints on the moon?

Dont just wait like "ugh idk, what's meant to be. It will" like ugh bro..Wheres your pride wheres your dignity? If it didnt happen, MAKE IT HAPPEN. FIND A WAY. If the feeling starting to fade away, mend it back, rectify it back. It's your priority. This thing is supposed to cost your whole lifetime. The waiting will eventually paid off.

I'm so disgusted will all this nut bastards. Quitters are losers.

If you really sincere about it, you could wait for your entire life even it's only one sided.
That was all sincerity was all about. It's priceless and won't be achieved in two days or even three years. If he really mean it, he won't change his thought for a second option.

Unpuzzled me juseyo.
I'm so agitated by this mess.

Why tend to have that so-called feeling when you apt to vanish it later?

I just love this quote from bob marley,

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy.
 If she's easy, she won't be amazing. 
If she's worth it, you won't give up.
 If you give up, you're not worthy.. 
Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you, you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."

Tuesday 23 June 2015


i'm sick and tired to hide the mess that i am.

Sick of sick people.

Sick of the sick world that i would never reach.

Sick of everything.

Welcome to my twisted reality.

ugh this miserable feeling again. Hate this

sometimes we're just broken.

and we don't know why.

Friday 19 June 2015


i'm sorry i'm a little bit distracted by the ongoing final submission and upcoming final exam lately. I'm sorry if i ever hurt someone indirectly and vice versa. Never meant anything at the first place. I just having a mood swing. Sincerely.

Wednesday 3 June 2015


Idk la aku selalu macam ni. Kalau dengar lagu jejiwang menusuk kalbu je mesti rasa this one rare kind of weird feeling yang.. hadoii can i just get married ugh.

tapi that's not the major point la yang i'm going to utter out this time.

Haritu aku ada terbaca satu post kawan aku share dekat whatsapp group sekolah lama. Macam ala-ala tazkirah santai la.

Seciput dua ciput pasal kisah cinta la main topic dia.

Well kaum female ni biasalah kalau kes crush-crush ni, bukan kekal lama pun feeling suka tu. Macam tahi ayam, hangat dia tahan dua kali tarik nafas je.Tapi yang lekat bebetul kat dalam pelosok hati, bau-bau pun takde gaga

Siyes ah, aku cakap jujur tulus dari hati cinta jantung permata tembalang berkarat aku. Setakat nak masuk 19 tahun aku hidup kat dunia ni.

Susah betul nak jumpa yang betul-betul berkenan. I mean, aku bukan nak gatal sangat sampai nak fikir bab-bab alah cam haktuih camni tapi aku musykil jugak. Apasal kawan-kawan aku(mainly kat SI ni la sbb kawan sekolah lama aku suci innocent cam kain baldu sume lol) macam dah yakin kukuh benar yang dia dah jumpa jodoh dia.

Post tu lebih kurang berbunyi camni:

Buat apa kita mencari? Allah dah tetapkan yang soulmate kita tu adalah tulang rusuk kita yang sebelah lagi. Means, macam mana kita, macam itulah mate kita nanti.

Allah pun dah tetapkan, baka baik dengan jodoh yang baik. Baka buruk pulak dengan pasangannya.

tapi kalau kita buruk, tapi kita berusaha berubah nak jadi baik, in shaa allah jodoh kita pun camtu.

Kita ni asyik mencari dan mencari konon-konon pasangan ideal yang meliputi semua types kita idamkan, sedang bila kita tak sedar, benda tu takkan datang kalau diri kita pun masih tunggang terbalik.

Kalau kita mencari then not impossible la our other half tu pun sedang mencari. Kita sedang tilik laki yang perfect, hensem and all that husband materials yang ada kat dia pastu yang si dia pun macam tu jugak. Then try imagine bila dia tahu jodoh dia dengan kita, tak rasa macam expectation level dah tahap mengecewakan ke? sebab target dan harapan tinggi menggunung sangat dulu, pastu dapat kita yang macam hmm-buleh-tahan-la punya awek gaga

so stop mencari, apa kata kita start menjadi.

To a step to a better person.

Cam aku la, aku suka tengok senior yang workaholic ni. So, azam aku skarang nak ubah diri aku jadi orang yang workaholic jugak. Memang la benda tu bunyi kacang tapi bergetah liat nak buat tapi tak salah cuba. In shaa allah mungkin si dia yang kat sana pun sedang mencuba untuk berdiri sendiri. Kalau kita first trial dah give up, fikir la yang kat sana, imagine kalau dia pun jatuh dan give up tak bangun-bangun jugak.

Ingat je, macam tula kita, mungkin dia pun sama or lagi teruk.

"Bila dah pasang 'nawaitu' nak berubah tu. Go on. Allah dah ketuk pintu hati. Pandang terus ke depan. Step by step."

And one more kata-kata hikmah from tuanku zara salim ke ntah apa nama dia lol

"When you dream to marry prince charming, do remember, prince don't marry an ambitionless girl."

Dont get attached to moments. Bad or good they're all pass.

Jangan sedih bila orang yang kau titipkan dalam doa kau tak jadi milik kau. Mungkin kau milik orang yang titipkan kau dalam doa dia. 



07:39 PM

Tuesday 2 June 2015

A token of blessing

Hey, it's june.

The all-time-fav month.

It feels so good to have this kind of smell back.

It makes me overwhelmed with my own feelings lol

Am I back to zero?

Beautiful mind, please reciprocate with my soul like this forever


4:33 PM   